Ciao chows' journal

Category: Grooming & Feeding

Black Chow Chows

Of all the Chow Chow colours, black holds a particular intrigue. The shiny black coat is beautiful and the colour adds to the mystery in the Chow's expression.

As the black Chow Chow spends time in the sun and the coat gets closer to shedding, the hair tips take on a brown-red tinge, adding a particular charm. Brown hues to black hair is frowned upon by some in the dog showing fraternity. Usually this stems from ignorance with respect to the natural progression of the life of hair. (This natural process occurs in all colours).

In reality the colour black does not exist. What we perceive as black in dogs, is a hue of very dark brown. Hence, as the hair is exposed to sunlight and the elements, just as with all colours, the hair tips fade - in the case of black, to a hue of brown.

Add to this the cyclical nature of the Chow Chow coat. As the hair nears the end of it's cycle, the hair starts to lose the nutritional supply and the starts to dry out, adding to the faded look. Once the old coat is shed, shiny new black hair replaces it and the cycle starts all over.

The majority of Chow Chow owners love this tinge to the dark coat. Indeed, it is a natural part of the beauty of this colour variety in Chow Chows.

May a black Chow Chow always
add beauty and intrigue to your life!


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